Common Reasons for Adults to Visit an Internal Medicine Physician

Internal Medicine Los Angeles, CA

Doctors who practice internal medicine specialize in diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease in adult patients. Like other primary care physicians, internal medicine physicians are the first doctors their patients see when they are sick or injured. They can also refer their patients to other specialists when necessary.

Why visit an internal medicine physician?

An internal medicine specialist can help with a wide range of ailments. Some of the common reasons patients opt for an internist include:

Cardiovascular issues

While some heart disorders may need the attention of a cardiologist, internists can address some heart and circulatory system problems. This is particularly true for those with mild to moderate conditions like high blood pressure. In this case, the doctor will check the person's blood pressure, do blood and urine tests, and initiate a conversation about lifestyle habits. After that, the doctor may prescribe medicine and suggest lifestyle modifications to address the issue.

Conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels are referred to as heart disease. Cardiovascular disease includes coronary artery disease, heart defects, and arrhythmias. An internist and cardiologist may also collaborate to treat the issue.

Respiratory conditions

An internal medicine doctor can help adults who have lung problems. For example, an internal medicine specialist can prescribe a drug in a case of acute respiratory infection caused by bacteria or fungus. The doctor may recommend an antibiotic or antifungal medicine depending on the illness.

Additionally, an internal medicine doctor can help with the management of asthma. The practitioner will perform breathing tests like a peak flow assessment, which measures the strength of exhalation. The doctor will use this to see whether asthma worsens or improves. They can also prescribe bronchodilators and albuterol rescue inhalers.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), for example, can be treated by an internal medicine physician. As with asthma, the doctor will run tests on adults exhibiting symptoms of COPD. A CT scan or an arterial blood gas study may be necessary to check the lungs' efficiency in inhaling enough oxygen and expelling enough carbon dioxide.

Skeletal system issues

An internal medicine doctor may treat musculoskeletal issues like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. An X-ray or MRI may be recommended to examine the bones. Finally, a prescription for pain relief or treatment for the illness may be prescribed by the internal medicine doctor. The doctor will continue to monitor the patient and provide pain management if deemed appropriate.

Disorders of the endocrine system

Diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or hypothyroidism, among other endocrine disorders, may be treated more effectively by an internal medicine doctor as your primary care physician. Blood tests, ultrasounds, thyroid scans, and other diagnostics may be used depending on the ailment. Medications are often administered to treat endocrine problems. In addition to medication, lifestyle adjustments are typically part of the therapy plan.

Are you looking for an internal medicine doctor?

If you have any conditions that might warrant a medical visit, book an appointment with our office as soon as possible.

Get more information here: or call Mosaic Family Care Medical Group at (323) 639-4239

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Internal Medicine in Los Angeles, CA.

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